学英语作文300字 篇1 There are three pigs on the farm. Look! They are eating happily. But one of the pigs is lying. He is sad.
学英语的作文 篇1 I'm in my third year now in Environmental Sciences. And what do I want to do with my B.S. once I graduate?
奶奶学英语作文1 我的奶奶已经63岁了,但还很好学,并且很认真。 一天,奶奶让我教她英语,我说:“好吧”。 开始了,第一步,我教奶奶读26个字母,我要求读10遍,奶奶按照我说的完成了。第二步,我教奶奶读音标,奶奶就一个一个